Facts About Power Tool Injuries And Prevention

Last Updated on April 18, 2023

Power tools are must-have equipment in any home improvement or construction project. Without a piece of power equipment, many tasks would be impossible to complete. They are becoming more affordable and available which is making them a staple in both professional and home use.

While power tools make many tasks easier, they also pose a severe threat to users if they are not properly used. According to the CDC, in 2007 there were 13.4% of nonfatal injuries. Per year approximately 29,000 injuries occur from power tools.

And this number is likely to be even higher because many people don’t seek medical attention for minor injuries or don’t report them.

Here, we will take a look at power tool injuries and their prevention which will take enough safety preparations.

Most Hazardous Power Tool Injuries

There are many different types of power tools, and each one comes with its own set of hazards. However, some power tools are more dangerous than others. The most hazardous power tools include:

Table Saw

We use the table saws for a wide variety of tasks, from cutting lumber to making intricate cuts in woodworking projects. However, they can be extremely dangerous if not used properly.

Per year around 40,000 U.K people get treatment for table saw-related injuries, with more than half of these being serious finger and hand injuries. And 4,000 of them need to be amputated.

Most of these accidents occur when the user’s fingers or hands come in contact with the blade. The blade is spinning at a high speed and can cause serious damage to your fingers or hands.

Chain Saw

Chainsaws are one of the most dangerous power tools because they are difficult to control. They are also very loud, which can make it difficult to hear warnings or screams for help.

According to the OSHA GOV, almost 16,000 accidents occur in the Leg area, and around 3,000 accidents occur in the Foot area.

Most of these accidents are due to the user losing control of the saw. The saw can easily slip and cut through flesh and bone. Or they haven’t used enough safety equipment and the saw flew off and hit them.

Nail Guns

Nail guns are also dangerous because they are difficult to control. They can fire nails at a high speed, which can easily penetrate flesh and bone.

Nail gun accidents usually occur when the user is not paying attention and nails are fired into their own body or another person’s. Or using hands near the muzzle to stop the nail from firing, instead of switching off the tool.

Fall From Ladder

Falls from ladders are one of the most common power tool accidents. Ladders are often used to reach high places, and if they are not used properly, they can be very dangerous.

Falls usually occur when the ladder is too short for the task or the extension ladder is placed at the wrong point.

Fatal Work Injuries By Age

As we get older, we are more likely to suffer from a fatal work injury. A huge 4764 people over the age of 65 were fatally injured while working in 2020(according to bls.gov)

Fatal Work Injuries By Age

In the chart, you can see how much the fatal injury rate goes up for workers over the age of 55.

This is likely because older workers are more likely to have health problems that make them more susceptible to injuries. They should be more careful about their purpose and projects to prevent injuries.

Even under 16 to 19 years children’s injury rate is quite high. And it’s not only because they are working more in these age years. It is also because they are less likely to have the experience or knowledge to work safely.

Meanwhile, experienced workers ranging from 25-54, have a high fatal work injury rate. As they are likely to take on more challenges and do hard task works, which increases the chance of accidents.

Fatal Work Injuries Involving The Eyes & Heads

Eye and head injuries are some of the most common fatal work injuries. In 2008, around 37% of injuries were eye-related injuries.

And maximum injuries were from production, maintenance, installations, and repair occupations.

This type of occupation requires more involvement in working with power tools and other hazardous materials.

Here, Head Injuries have a big contribution too! 62% of fatal injuries to production, maintenance, installation, and repair workers were caused by head injuries.

Head injuries can occur when workers are hit by flying objects or falling objects. They can also occur when workers fall and hit their heads on a hard surface.

Generally, men have more head injuries compared to women. And men aged between 25-44 years have the most fatal head injuries.

But the good news is that the number of fatal work injuries involving the eyes and heads has been declining in recent years. This is likely due to the increased use of safety equipment, such as goggles and face shields.

Prevention of Power Tool Injuries

Prevention is the best way to avoid power tool injuries. Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

Keep Workspace Clean

A neat and clean workspace ensures a safe and secure operation. Be sure to keep your work area free of clutter and debris. This will help you avoid trip hazards and other potential accidents.

Avoid operating the machines in an explosive atmosphere or near gases and dust. As these can easily lead to a fire or explosion.

And a most important one, keep away children and pets from your workspace. They can easily get hurt by power tools and other equipment.

Wear Appropriate Safety Equipment

Always wear the proper safety equipment when using power tools. This includes gloves, eye protection, and hearing protection.

Wearing gloves will help you avoid cuts and other injuries to your hands. And wearing eye protection will help you avoid eye injuries.

If you are working in a loud environment, be sure to wear hearing protection. This will help you avoid noise-induced hearing loss.

Use The Right Tool For The Job

Be sure to use the right tool for the job. Using the wrong tool can lead to accidents and injuries.

For instance, Metalwork drill presses are more powerful and have a better speed to drill metals efficiently.

But if you use a woodworking drill press which is less powerful, can make errors to drill holes into the metal.

To prevent these kinds of problems, you can seek help from pros or read the product description thoroughly.

Use Matching Outlets

Most of us use other companies’ power tool plugs that may not be compatible with your tools. And that can lead to serious electric accidents.

Before buying new power tool plugs make sure they are compatible with your tools and they are a must from well well-known companies.

Electrical Safety

Be sure to follow all electrical safety guidelines when using power tools. This includes unplugging the tool before making any adjustments or repairs.

Never operate a power tool in wet or damp conditions. And be sure to keep the cords away from heat sources. And always avoid body contact with the ground and the machine at the same time.

Use Push Sticks and Guards

When using saws, be sure to use push sticks and guards. This will help you avoid kickback accidents. Kickback is when the blade of the saw catches on something and kicks back toward the operator. This can lead to serious injuries.

Push sticks and guards help keep your hands away from the blade and help keep the blade from kicking back.

Keep Your Tools in Good Condition

Be sure to keep your power tools in good condition. This includes cleaning and lubricating them regularly.

Cleaning your power tools will help them last longer and run smoother. And lubricating them will help prevent rust and corrosion.

If you notice any damage to your power tools, be sure to have them repaired or replaced

Most power tool injuries occur when the tool is not used properly. Always read the instruction manual before using any power tool.

And be sure to follow all safety guidelines. If you have any questions about power tool safety, be sure to ask a qualified person for help.



Final Line

Power tools are a necessary part of many businesses and households. But they can also be dangerous. Every year, thousands of people are injured by power tools. And some of these injuries are fatal.

To avoid power tool injuries, it is important to follow all safety guidelines. Hope these tips help you stay safe while using power tools.
